1. Parr, T. P., and Hanson-Parr, D. M., Proceedings of the 33rdJANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Vol. I. I., CPIA Pub. 653. Chem. Propulsion Information Agency, Columbia, MD, 1996, p.35.
2. Parr, T. P., and Hanson-Parr, D. M., Proceedings of the 26th JANNAF Combustion Committee Meeting, Vol. I, CPIA publication 529. Chem. Propulsion Information Agency, Columbia, MD, 1989, p. 27.
3. Hanson-Parr, D. M., and Parr, T. P., Proceedings of the 31st JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Vol. II, CPIA publication 620. Chem. Propulsion Information Agency, Columbia, MD, 1994, p. 407.
4. Parr, T. P., and Hanson-Parr, D. M., Proceedings of the 32nd JANNAF Combustion Subcommittee Meeting, Vol. I, CPIA publication 631. Chem. Propulsion Information Agency, Columbia, MD, 1995, p. 429.
5. Parr, T. P., and Hanson-Parr, D. M., in Solid Propellant Chemistry, Combustion, and Motor Interior Ballistics, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 185, (V. Yang, T. Brill, and W.-Z. Ren, Eds.), Am. Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000, Chapter 2.5, p.381.