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2. Thiede J. Minimizing of risks of technical projects by insurance covers. In: Kaltschmitt M, Kwant KW, editors. Proceedings of the Workshop “Biomass Market Introduction”. Stuttgart/Germany and Utrecht/Netherlands, March 1988; MHP; PO Box 127, NL-3950 AC Maarn, 1998
3. Jasem F-M. Financing of innovative bioenergy projects—a challenge for financial engineering. In: Kaltschmitt M, Kwant KW, editors. Proceedings of the Workshop “Biomass Market Introduction”. Stuttgart/Germany and Utrecht/Netherlands, March 1988; MHP; PO Box 127, NL-3950 AC Maarn, 1998
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5. van Daalen W. How to guarantee a reliable biomass supply?. In: Kaltschmitt M, Kwant KW, editors. Proceedings of the “Workshop Biomass Market Introduction”. Stuttgart/Germany and Utrecht/Netherlands, March 1988; MHP; PO Box 127, NL-3950 AC Maarn, 1998