1. E. Altman, F. Boccara, J. Bolot, P. Nain, P. Brown, D. Collange, C. Fenzy, Analysis of TCP/IP flow control mechanism in high-speed wide-area networks, in: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 1995.
2. E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, C. Barakat, TCP in presence of bursty losses, in: Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS, June 2000.
3. E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, C. Barakat, A stochastic model of TCP/IP with stationary random losses, in: Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, September 2000. A more detailed version: INRIA Research Report RR-3824, November 1999.
4. E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, C. Barakat, P. Dube, TCP over a multi-state Markovian path, in: Proceedings of P&Q Net, Japan, November 2000.
5. E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, C. Barakat, R. Nunez-Queija, Statedependent MG1 type queueing analysis for congestion control, CWI Report PNA-R0005, July 2000.