1. Infrared absorption studies of the annealing of irradiated diamonds
2. K. De Corte, P. Cartigny, V.S. Shatsky, P. De Paepe, N.V. Sobolev, M. Javoy, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, April 13–17, Red Roof Design cc, Goodwood, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999, p. 174.
3. Spectroscopic studies of a thermochromic centre in synthetic diamonds grown by the temperature-gradient method
4. Effect of nitrogen impurities on the Raman line width in diamonds
5. Yu.M. Borzdov, I.N. Kupriyanov, A.V. Efremov, Yu.N. Pal'yanov, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Crystals: Growth, Properties, Real Structure, Application, October 18–22, vol. 1, VNIISIMS, Aleksandrov, Russia, 1999, p. 342 (in Russian).