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2. Austrian Standards Institute (ASI), 2006. ÖNORM CEN/TS 15414-1-Solid Recovered Fuels – Determination of Moisture Content using the Oven Dry Method – Part 1: Determination of Total Moisture by a Reference Method. Vienna, Austria.
3. Austrian Standards Institute (ASI), 2009. ÖNORM EN 15403-Solid Recovered Fuels – Determination of Ash Content. Vienna, Austria.
4. Austrian Standards Institute (ASI), 2011a. ÖNORM EN 15400-Solid Recovered Fuels – Determination of Calorific Value. Vienna, Austria.
5. Austrian Standards Institute (ASI), 2011b. ÖNORM EN 15408-Solid Recovered Fuels – Methods for the Determination of Sulphur (S), Chlorine (Cl), Fluorine (F) and Bromine (Br) Content. Vienna, Austria.