1. Microstructure evolution in amorphous Ge/Si multilayers grown by magnetron sputter deposition
2. Annealing induced interdiffusion and crystallization in sputtered amorphous Si/Ge multilayers
3. Zs.J. Horváth, M. Ádám, Vo Van Tuyen, unpublished.
4. Zs.J. Horváth, in: V. Kumar, S.K. Agarwal (Eds.), Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, 1998, p. 1085.
5. Zs.J. Horváth, Vo Van Tuyen, in: I. Sorli, S. Amon, M. Kosec (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL’96) and 32nd Symposium on Devices and Materials (SD’96), Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 25–27 September 1996, MIDEM, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1996, p. 371.