1. K. Bucher, in: H.S. Stephens et al. (Eds.), Proc. 13th EC Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1995, p. 2097.
2. IEC Standards 891 and 1215, Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale, Genève.
3. Site dependence of the energy collection of PV modules
4. H. Gabler, M. Raetz, E. Wiemken, in: H.S. Stephens and Associates (Eds.), Proc. 12th EC Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1994, p. 879.
5. N.B. Mason, T.M. Bruton, K.C. Heasman, in: O. Regensberg (Ed.), Proc. 12th German National PV Solar Energy Symposium, 1997, p. 383.