1. Canadian Standards Association International (CSA). Canadian Highway Bridge design code, CSA-S6-00, Toronto; 2000.
2. JSCE. Recommendation for the upgrading of concrete structures with use of continuous fiber sheets. In: Concrete engineering series no. 41. Tokyo: Japanese Society of Civil Engineers; 2001. 250pp (available in English).
3. CEB-FIB. Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures. International federation for structural concrete – technical report; July 2001. 130pp.
4. CNR (National Research Council). Guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening existing structures. Rome: Advisory Committee on Technical Recommendation for Construction of National Research Council: Italy; 2004. p. 154.
5. ACI-440. Guide for design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures. ACI technical report; May 2002. 118pp.