1. C.W. Bale, A.D. Pelton, W.T. Thompson, F*A*C*T 2.1–User’s Manual, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal/Royal Military College, Canada, July 1996
2. FactSage thermochemical software and databases
3. Frederick D. Rossini, Donald D. Wagman, William H. Evans, Samuel Levine, Irving Jaffe, Selected values of chemical thermodynamic properties, Circular of the National Bureau of Standards 500, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 1952
4. Donald D. Wagman, William H. Evans, Vivian B. Parker, Iva Halow, Sylvia M. Bailey, Richard H. Schumm, Selected values of chemical thermo-dynamic properties, Nat. Bur. Stand. (US) Tech. Note 270-3 (1968). This included Tech. Note 270-1 (1965) and 270-2 (1966); numbers 4 through 8 in the Tech. Note 270 series appeared 1969 through 1981
5. JANAF Thermochemical Tables;Stull,1971