1. Synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging;Prine,1972
2. Methods for increasing the lateral resolution of B-scan;Burckhardt,1974
3. J.R. Frederick, J.A. Seydel, R.C. Fairchild, Improved Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing of Pressure Vessels, NUREG-0007-2, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1976.
4. J.L. Jackson, Program for Field Validation of the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique for Ultrasonic Testing (SAFT-UT) — Analysis Before Test, NUREG/CR-0288, Southwest Research Institute, 1978.
5. S.R. Doctor, G.J. Schuster, L.D. Reid, T.E. Hall, Real-Time 3D SAFT-UT System Evaluation and Validation, NUREG/CR-6344 PNNL-10571, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 1996.