Characteristics of Bacteroides fragilis lacking the major outer membrane protein, OmpA


Wexler Hannah M.12,Tenorio Elizabeth12,Pumbwe Lilian2


1. Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA

2. Greater Los Angeles Veterans Administration Healthcare System, University of California, 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073, USA


OmpA1 is the major outer membrane protein of the Gram-negative anaerobic pathogenBacteroides fragilis. We identified three additional conservedompAhomologues (ompA2ompA4) and three less homologousompA-like genes (ompAs5,6and7) inB. fragilis. We constructed anompA1disruption mutant inB. fragilis638R (WAL6 ΩompA1) using insertion-mediated mutagenesis. WAL6 ΩompA1formed much smaller colonies and had smaller, rounder forms on Gram stain analysis than the parental strain or other unrelated disruption mutants. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis (with anti-OmpA1 IgY) of the OMP patterns of WAL6 ΩompA1grown in both high- and low-salt media did not reveal any other OmpA proteins even under osmotic stress. AnompA1deletant (WAL186ΔompA1) was constructed using a two-step double-crossover technique, and anompA‘reinsertant’, WAL360+ompA1, was constructed by reinserting theompAgene into WAL186ΔompA1. WAL186ΔompA1was significantly more sensitive to exposure to SDS, high salt and oxygen than the parental (WAL108) or reinsertant (WAL360+ompA1) strain. No significant change was seen in MICs of a variety of antimicrobials for either WAL6 ΩompA1or WAL186ΔompA1compared to WAL108. RT-PCR revealed that all of theompAgenes are transcribed in the parental strain and in the disruption mutant, but, as expected,ompA1is not transcribed in WAL186ΔompA1. Unexpectedly,ompA4is also not transcribed in WAL186ΔompA1. A predicted structure indicated that among the four OmpA homologues, the barrel portion is more conserved than the loops, except for specific conserved patches on loop 1 and loop 3. The presence of multiple copies of such similar genes in one organism would suggest a critical role for this protein inB. fragilis.


Microbiology Society









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