Polyphenols, Spices and Vegetarian Diet for Immunity and Anti-Inflammatory Drug Design


Ghate Utkarsh,Kulkarni Hema


Much lower COVID-19 incidence and mortality in India compared to the Europe and northern America may relate to higher immunity possibly due to the low consumption of fast/packed food, liquour, tobacco, meat, HFSS- high fat, salt, sugar, besides higher exposure and a key blood protein. Indian spice intake is also double the world average and healthy cooking oil use such as Mustard, and may also explain it. Inflammation is the foundation for many ailments and challenges the immunity and vital in non-communicable ailments are at the centre stage in an aeing world. Polypehnols are crucial anti-inflammatory chemicals from spices that can for wellbeing and reduce adverse drug rections. We show this using Arthritis- a chronic auto-immune disorder, with the hlep of pharmacokinetic studies. Molecular Docking study was performed on the key bioactive compounds of important spices regarding COX2 active site (PDB ID 5IKR). Piperine in Black Pepper had most stability (Black Pepper, −9.99 Kcal/mol) followed by ‘Apigenin’ (Coriander, −9.63), and ‘Curcumin’ (Turmeric, −8.66) like quercetin in literature, and higher than the methotrexate (−8.6), the standard drug. Hence, their synergistic combination in fat medium such as clarified butter can lead the future drug design.



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