Evaluation of Protein Sources in Different Base Formulations Based on Total and Digestible Amino Acids for Japanese Quails


Barbosa de Souza Rafael,Guilherme Perazzo Costa Fernando,Humberto Vilar da Silva José,Paes Saraiva Edilson,Pereira Rodrigues Valéria,Ramalho de Lima Matheus,Gomes Pinheiro Sarah,Naemi Kaneko Isabelle


The Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) rearing activity has grown considerably over the past few years. The purpose of this study was to compare diet formulations based on total (TAA) and digestible amino acids (DAA) and the use of different protein sources such as meat cum bone meal and feather meal in Japanese quails. The first three treatments were based on TAA, formulated based on corn and soybean meal (CST); meat and bone meal (CSMT); feather meal (CSMFT). The three other treatments received the same sequence of ingredients as the previous treatments; however, the diets were formulated based on digestible amino acids (DAA) (CSD, CSMD, and CSMFD). The results show that the base of diet formulation improves the performance of quails from 1-21d and the quails show that is possible to replacement of soybean meal with animal-origin by-products such as meat bone meal and feather meal, buts is needed to evaluate more aspects. In conclusion, diets formulated base on DAA for Japanese quails can be utilized with the same efficiency as diets based on TAA.



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