Effect of Inclusiveness and Contemporary Teaching and Learning Environments on Students with Learning Disability


Chidiadi Onwubiko Emmanuel


This work is an overview of the effect of inclusiveness and contemporary teaching and learning environments on students with learning disability. The paper looked at learning disability, inclusiveness in education and contemporary teaching and learning environment from the conceptual perspective as well as the effect of both inclusiveness and contemporary teaching and learning environments on students with learning disability. It was ascertained based on reviewed literature that inclusive education is in tandem with the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goal (UN-SDG) 4 which stipulates that no child should be left behind in education with special reference to students with learning disability. On the effect of contemporary teaching and learning environment on students with learning disability, as evident, the environment is prepared in such a way to meet the needs of students in this era of information and communication technologies. Indeed, students’ learning is supported by access to portable technologies which as noted are beneficial to students with learning disability. Against the backdrops of identified positive impacts of both inclusiveness and contemporary teaching and learning environments on students with learning disability, recommendations that can further enhance the two concepts were made.



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