Perspective Chapter: Chip I/O Design Fundamentals, Methodologies and Challenges


A. Ukaegbu Ikechi,Marzuki Arjuna


The dramatic increase in processing power due to the combined effects of integrated circuit scaling and shifts in computer architectures from single core to multi-core systems has led to the highly scaled on-chip aggregate bandwidths to the Tb/s range. Consequently, this has resulted to the increase in the amount of data transfer between chips to increase overall system performance. However, due to the limited I/O pin count in chip packages and PCBs, designing efficient high-speed and low power chip I/O is important. This chapter proposes a configurable I/O driver that can be configured between two single-ended voltage-mode drivers, a differential voltage-mode driver and a differential current-mode driver to address electronic signaling mismatches between integrated circuits for 0.4–8.0Gbps applications. Four control schemes, namely, impedance, output swing, slew rate and de-emphasis control scheme, were integrated into the configurable I/O driver to improve signal integrity by addressing the ISI, output switching noise, reflections and output swing deviation. Through the supplementary control from the four digital schemes, the proposed configurable I/O driver is capable of supporting multiple signaling types while improving high-speed signal integrity, thereby enhancing the performance of computer systems for better consumer experiences.









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