Kirkegaard J. A.,Mele P. M.,Howe G. N.
The accumulation of mineral-nitrogen (N) in the top 10 cm of soil during the
summer fallow was measured in 2 replicated field experiments following a range
of crops including wheat, oats, canola, peas and lupins. At the first site,
mineral-N was measured following harvest and in autumn before sowing
subsequent crops across 3 seasons (1994–96). Crop residues were retained
on the surface with intermittent grazing by sheep throughout the summer fallow
and burnt before the autumn measurements. The smallest increase in mineral-N
accumulation occurred following the cereals in all 3 seasons (mean increase 31
kg/ha). The highest accumulation of mineral-N in all seasons occurred
following canola (mean 94 kg/ha), 3 times as much as that following
cereals, and significantly higher than that after the legumes in 2 of the 3
seasons (mean 50 kg/ha). Differences in the amount, N content, or C : N
ratio of the surface-retained crop residues are unlikely explanations for the
observed differences in mineral-N accumulation. At a second site, measurements
of the accumulation of mineral-N following canola and wheat were accompanied
by measurements of populations of selected microorganisms involved with N
cycling in soil. More mineral-N accumulated after canola than after wheat,
however, populations of free-living, N-fixing bacteria, potential
Azospirillim species and
NH4+ oxidising bacteria were
significantly lower following canola than following wheat, and populations of
total bacteria and NO2−
oxidising bacteria did not differ. These results suggest that greater
mineral-N accumulation following canola does not result from a shift in those
microbial populations which favour mineral-N accumulation, however, more
detailed studies are required to resolve the exact cause of the differences. A
possible explanation is that biocidal compounds released by canola roots
during decay may cause a general ‘biofumigation’ and thereby
result in a flush of mineral-N similar to that which accompanies chemical
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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41 articles.