Describing N leaching from urine patches deposited at different times of the year with a transfer function


Cichota R.,Snow V. O.,Vogeler I.,Wheeler D. M.,Shepherd M. A.


A transfer function (TF) was developed to assist with the estimation of nitrogen (N) leaching from urine-affected areas in grazed pastures. The proposed TF uses a simple function to describe the likely breakthrough curve for urine-N deposited in different months and in various climates and soils in New Zealand. The TF was designed to be integrated into the OVERSEER® Nutrient budgets model to increase the sensitivity of N leaching to the month of urine deposition, but could also be used in any other model that estimates the water balance and plant N uptake on a monthly basis. The inputs required for the TF are typically readily accessible (e.g. soil texture data) and thus do not add any significant complications when added to OVERSEER. The TF retains OVERSEER as the arbitrator of the main items of N-balance in the farm system, but adds functionality by giving a better temporal discrimination of leaching from the farm system. The procedure for parameterising the TF from a comprehensive set of APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator) simulations is described. Validation of the leaching estimated by the TF was achieved through a combination of testing against an independent set of APSIM simulations and testing against experimental data. The testing of the TF showed very promising performance. The TF explained 75% of the variability of N leaching simulated by an independent APSIM dataset and agreed well with the experimental data.


CSIRO Publishing


Earth-Surface Processes,Soil Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)







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