Grassy white box (Eucalyptus albens Benth.) woodlands once covered several million hectares of the
wheat-sheep belt of south-eastern Australia. The pre-European floristic composition of these woodlands
is little-known, as almost all of them were rapidly cleared for cropping or modified by livestock
grazing. Woodland remnants were surveyed across NSW, to describe rangewide variation in the
woodland flora, and to provide a basis for reserve design. As far as could be detected from current
remnants, some of the major features of the original grassy white box woodland understorey appear to
have been relatively constant across NSW: on a wide variety of soils and parent materials from southern
to northern NSW, the dominant native grasses in little-disturbed sites were generally Themeda australis
(R.Br.) Stapf andor Poa sieberiana Sprengel, and many of the subsidiary herbs and grasses occurred
across this range. There were, however, several natural patterns of variation requiring consideration in
conservation planning: about half of the subsidiary herb and grass species showed a relationship with
latitude, probably relating to a climatic gradient; the understorey became more shrubby, with a sparser
and more varied grass component, on soils classed as being 'unsuitable for agriculture'; and on basalt
parent materials of the Inverell Plateau, Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A.Camus may have been a more
prominent component of the understorey. Natural floristic variation was overlain by patterns resulting
from European disturbance, as indicated by floristic distinctions between sites of differing landuse.
While these distinctions were partly related to poorer soil resource class in State Forests and Nature
Reserves, grazing by livestock and tree clearing are likely to to have contributed to them. Reserves in
ine whire box woodiands are presentiy few, and are not representative of the naturai variation. ~ o s t
existing reserves occur on soils unsuited to agriculture, compared with the grazing or arable land of
typical grassy woodland. Cemetery remnants, rail easements, Travelling Stock Reserves and roadsides
provide the best opportunities for conservation on higher-quality soils. Remnant quality declined
significantly in southern NSW, indicating a need for greater conservation effort in southern areas.
Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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44 articles.