Manipulating omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in sheep: depletion of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by feeding different grain types


Taylor R. D.,Clayton E. H.ORCID


Context Plasma fatty acid profiles provide evidence of short-term feeding, while red blood cells (RBC) indicate longer-term feeding effects. Information on the rate of change in fatty acid profiles of sheep blood over time after alterations in diet is lacking. This study monitored the short- and longer-term effects of feeding grain-based diets to lambs on changes to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in blood fractions over 21 days. The data provide a guide to managing omega-3 PUFA availability for adequate tissue accretion of these fatty acids. Aims To determine the rate of depletion over 21 days of omega-3 PUFA in the blood fractions of sheep fed on grain-based diets. Methods Blood samples were taken from ewes taken off pasture and fed grain-based diets for 21 days. Fatty acid profiles in the blood plasma and RBC were used to monitor the rate of depletion of omega-3 PUFA. Key results Immediate changes in plasma omega-3 PUFA concentrations occurred from the first day of grain feeding. The omega-3 PUFA content declined continuously on all five grains, but with substantial differences among them. RBC omega-3 PUFA contents displayed great variation across individual sheep but depletion was not significant. Conclusions Plasma omega-3 PUFA depletion immediately on grain feeding indicated a lower availability for tissue accretion in growing sheep following short-term changes in diet. The lack of change in RBC omega-3 PUFA concentrations over 21 days indicated a differential accumulation of these fatty acids in this lipid depot compared with plasma, and changes in other tissues should also be examined. Implications The effect of these short- and long-term changes on LCn-3PUFA accumulation in meat and reproductive tissues warrants further investigation.


Australian Research Council through the ITTC Functional Grains Centre


CSIRO Publishing


Animal Science and Zoology,Food Science

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