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2. CARNEY, J.N., and MACFARLANE, A., 1978. Lower-Middle Miocene sediments on Maewo, New Hebrides, and the significance of their correlation with Eocene-Middle Miocene rocks on Viti Levu, Fiji.This issue
3. GILL, J.B., and GORTON, M.P., 1975. A proposed geological and geochemical history of Eastern Melanesia.InColeman, P.J. (Ed.).The Western Pacific: Island Arcs, Marginal Seas and Geochemistry.Univ. of W. Aust. Press, Perth: 543-566
4. GORTON, M.P., 1974. The Geochemistry and Geochronology of the New Hebrides.Ph.D. Thesis, Australian National University,300 pp. (unpubl.)
5. JAMES, A., and FALVEY, D., 1978. Analysis of palaeomagnetic data from Viti Levu, Fiji.This issue