1. CARNEY, J.N., and MACFARLANE, A., 1978. Lower-Middle Miocene sediments on Maewo, New Hebrides, and the significance of their correlation with Eocene-Middle Miocene rocks on Viti Levu, Fiji. This issue.
2. GREEN, D., and CULLEN, D.J.,1973. Tectonic evolution of the Fiji CHASE, C.G., 1971. eman, P.J. (Ed.) The Western Pacific: Island Arcs, Marginal Seas, Geochemistry. Univ. of W. Aust. Press, Perth: 127-145
3. MALAHOFF, A.,1970. Gravity and magnetic studies of the New Hebrides island arc. New Hebrides Condominium Geological Survey, Special Rpt. Brit. Service, Pt. Vila, New Hebrides, 67 pp.