Coding as a tooL for forming ComputationaL thinking of students


Bosova L. L.1


1. Moscow Pedagogical State University


The article outlines the developmental and social aspects of teaching coding to schoolchildren: the development of thinking, the formation of new values of the digital society, understanding the rules of behavior in the digital environment. Coding is a powerful tool for developing computational (algorithmic) thinking. The article shows a variant of teaching coding, which allows schoolchildren to independently invent algorithms, develop their thinking, and improve their abilities. Namely, an example of a sequence of coding tasks on the topic "Integers and operations on them" for elementary school students is considered in detail. Tasks solutions (programs) are given in Python. The emphasis is on how, on the basis of a specially organized sequence of tasks, to provide the student with the opportunity to develop their abilities to perform decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithmization, modeling, assessment.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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