1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky; School 76
2. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky; School 26
Individual actions of students when solving problems on the theme "Programming" can be referred to sign-symbolic activity. When teaching programming, the teacher should pay special attention to combining various plans: actions with specific data, sign-symbolic description of this data and the algorithm structure, writing program code. The following types of sign-symbolic activity are distinguished: modeling, schematization, coding, substitution. It is advisable to include tasks in the preparation process at the first stages of training, in which these types of activity are independent units, and not one of the steps to solve the programming problem. It is advisable to implement modeling activity using trace table completion tasks. To organize schematization, tasks are used to describe the algorithm verbally and make flow charts. Distinguishing of the substitute and substituent is facilitated by tasks for matchmaking between code lines and their purpose. The article provides examples of tasks that contribute to sign-symbolic activity organization of various types in programming training.
Publishing House Education and Informatics
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