On new approaches to the study of school informatics in the conditions of digital transformation of society


Bosova L. L.1


1. Moscow Pedagogical State University


The 2022/2023 academic year marks the beginning of a new stage in the development of school informatics as one of the subjects that most fully reflects the social order in the context of the digital transformation of many areas of our lives. In the updated Federal State Educational Standards, for the frst time, the possibility of studying informatics at the basic and advanced levels is already recorded in the basic school. By choosing an advanced level of studying informatics in the basic school, educational organizations can go beyond the Procrustean bed of an ineffective one-hour subject, which until now many experts rightly considered school informatics. Approved by the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for General Education, exemplary work programs in informatics of the basic and advanced levels for 7th–9th grades, as well as a program in informatics for 5th–6th grades, allow educational organizations to offer students various trajectories for mastering the subject.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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