Publishing House Education and Informatics
Reference20 articles.
1. AL-Smadi M. GAMEDUCATION: Using game mechanics and dynamics to enhance online learning. Immersive Education. EiED 2014. Communications in Computer and Information Science. Cham, Springer, 2015, vol. 486, p. 85-97. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-22017-8_8
2. Chistyakova A. V., Khokhryakova Yu. M. Gejmifikatsiya obrazovaniya: problema terminologicheskoj neopredelennosti [Gamification of education: the problem of terminological uncertainty]. Permskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal — Perm Pedagogical Journal, 2018, no. 9, p. 207-211. (In Russian.)
3. Proulx J.-N., Romero M., Arnab S. Learning mechanics and game mechanics under the perspective of self-determination theory to foster motivation in digital game based learning. Simulation & Gaming, 2016, vol. 48, is. 1, p. 81-97. DOI: 10.1177/1046878116674399
4. Artamonova V. V. Razvitie kontseptsii gejmifikatsii v XXI veke [Gamification concept development in the XXI century]. Istoricheskaya i sotsial’no-obrazovatel’naya mysl’ — Historical and Social-Educational Idea, 2018, vol. 10, no. 2-2, p. 37-43. (In Russian.) DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2018-10-2/2-37-43
5. Varenina L. P. Gejmifikatsiya v obrazovanii [Gamification in education]. Istoricheskaya i sotsial’no-obrazovate-l’naya mysl’ — Historical and Social-Educational Idea, 2014, vol. 6, no. 6-2, p. 314-317. (In Russian.) DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2014-6-6_2-314-317