Morfologi dan Produksi Beberapa Aksesi Sagu (Metroxylon spp.) di Distrik Iwaka, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua / Morphology and Production of Some Sago Palm Accessions in Iwaka, Mimika District, Papua Province


Ahmad Fendri,Bintoro Mochamad Hasjim,Supijatno Supijatno


<p>Sago is a carbohydrate-producing palm witharea about 382.198 ha in Mimika Regency. So far, research on the characterization of sago palm in this area has not existed, therefore it is necessary to do. The diversity of sago accessions in Mimika District is expected to be a source of germplasm and superior sago selection to support sago development. This study aims to obtain information about morphological characters and starch production of some sago accessions. The study was conducted using observation method of seven sago accessions, namely Mbupuri, Monepikiri, Mbapare, Tuwae, Aute, Iyaremeta and Bakaketemeta in Iwaka District, Mimika Regency, Papua Province. The result showed that the seven accessions sago differed based on morphological character namely stem, leaves and spine, and starch production. The Monepikiri accession has the longest stem and large stem diametre, namely 13.75 m and 59.00 cm, respectively. Accession Mbupuri has more leaves and wider leaves than the others. Accession Monepikiri has a production potential of more than 300 kg’s dried starch/palm and accession Mbupuri more than 200 kg’s dried starch/palm. Both accessions of this sago can be further investigated the stability of yield starch to be released as superior varieties. The morphological characters, especially the length of the stem affect the starch production because the starch is present in the pith of the stem.</p><p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Sagu merupakan tanaman sumber karbohidrat dengan luas areal di Kabupaten Mimika 382.198 ha. Penelitian tentang karakterisasi aksesi sagu di Kabupaten ini belum ada, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan. Keragaman aksesi sagu di Kabupaten Mimika diharapkan menjadi sumber plasma nutfah sagu, dan untuk seleksi sagu unggul untuk menunjang pengembangan sagu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakter morfologi dan produksi pati beberapa aksesi sagu. Penelitian menggunakan metode observasi terhadap tujuh aksesi sagu, yaitu Mbupuri, Monepikiri, Mbapare, Tuwae, Aute, Iyaremela dan Bakaketemeta. Penelitian dilakukan di Distrik Iwaka, Kabupaten Mimika, Provinsi Papua. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketujuh aksesi tersebut berbeda karaktermorfologinya, yaitu  batang, daun dan duri. Aksesi Monepikiri memiliki batang yang paling panjang dan diameter paling besar berturut-turut, yaitu 13,75 cm dan 59,00 cm. Aksesi Mbupuri memiliki jumlah daun paling banyak dan daun paling luas.Aksesi Monepikiri memiliki potensi produksi lebih dari 300 kg pati kering/pohon dan aksesi Mbupuri &gt;200 kg pati kering/pohon. Kedua aksesi ini dapat diteliti lebih lanjut kestabilan hasilnya untuk dilepas sebagai varietas unggul. Karakter morfologi khususnya panjang batang mempengaruhi produksi, karena pati terdapat dalam empulur batang.</p>


Indonesian Agency For Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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