1. University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Serbia; Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia
2. University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Serbia
In this paper we examine data related to the implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence, between 2018 and 2020, provided by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and the courts.
The positive effects of the implementation of the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence should be preventive – reducing incidents, reducing the number of crimes, raising awareness regarding the reporting of violence, better cooperation between state authorities in prevention and suppression of domestic violence, more consistent implementation of provisions of other laws directed at fighting domestic violence.
It has been noted that the competent state authorities implement legal provisions unequally, which causes the victims of domestic violence not to have the same possibilities in exercising their right to protection. A key cause of this issue has been varying practices by competent authorities in fighting domestic violence.
University of Belgrade Faculty of Law (Publications)
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2 articles.