Evaluation of interspecific hybrids of black currant in Yakutia


Gabysheva Natal'ya


Abstract. The results of the study of interspecific black currant hybrids are presented by the method of distant hybridization created in Central Yakutia. Six high-yielding, large-fruited and powdery mildew resistant Altai varieties were crossed with local varieties, which are based on the following currant species – R. dikuscha Fisch. ex Turcz, Ribes pausiflorum Turcz. ex Pojark. and R. procumbens Pall. to develop new adapted varieties. The aim of the research is to evaluate interspecific hybrids of black currant and promising forms to identify for the conditions of Central Yakutia. Objectives are to study the resistance of black currant hybrids to winter damage, powdery mildew and kidney mites; fruitful forms identify; the sources of positive signs and valuable promising forms highlight. Methods. The work was carried out in accordance with the program and methodology of variety study and selection of fruit, berry and nut crops. The hybrids were evaluated in the field against a natural background. Scientific novelty. New sources of economically valuable traits and promising hybrids for black currant breeding in Yakutia will be identified. Results. 13 sources of winter hardiness, 5 - yield were selected as a result of the study of black currant hybrids. A high yield of hybrids immune to powdery mildew was observed in 4 families, and to a kidney mite in 5 families. The selected sources of valuable traits and crossbreeding combinations will be further used in the work on black currants to create a new breeding material. The selected sources of economically valuable traits will be used in the future in the selection of black currants to create a new source material. Two promising forms of black currant distinguished themselves - 1-12-13 (Altayskaya pozdnyaya × Pamyati Kyndyla) and 2-9-13 (Podarok Kuzioru × Khara Kytalyk) according to the complex of features. They are of interest and will be studied for practical breeding.


Urals State Agrarian University

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1. Belskaya – a new variety of black currant;Siberian Herald of Agricultural Science;2023-05-21








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