Biochemical and commodity-consumer assessment of the quality of sweet cherry varieties introduced in the conditions of Dagestan


Guseynova Batuch1ORCID,Abdulgamidov Magomed


1. Dagestan Agriculture Science Center


Abstract. The purpose. Identification of among the variety of cherries introduced in the natural and climatic conditions of the northern foothills of Dagestan, the most promising variety samples distinguished by high nutritional value and the best commodity and consumer quality indicators for further use in selection and horticulture in order to optimize the industrial variety of cherries. Methods. The studies were carried out using generally accepted chemical methods of analysis and standard methods of sweet cherry variety study. Results. It was determined that the largest amount of soluble solids was contained in the fruits of the varieties: Melanbayer (15.3 %), Polyanka (14.8 %), Lyaskovska Khrushchalka (14.6 %) and Merton Bigarro (14.5 %). The best in terms of the mass concentration of sugars (11.57–12.81 %) were the varieties Sofiyska Khrushchalka, Merton Bigarro, Polyanka and Melanbayer. The varieties Gudzon, Merton Bigarro, Polyanka, Melanbayer and Meteor distinguished themselves with a high content of titrated acids (0.80–1.14 %). Sweet cherry varieties Polyanka, Sofiyska Khrushchalka, Gudzon, Van, Melanbayer and Merton Bigarro were distinguished by the greatest ability to accumulate vitamin C (7.21–9.16 mg%). The fruits of the Polyanka and Sofiyska Khrushchalka varieties received the highest tasting rating (5 points). The best indicators of fruit weight were distinguished by the varieties Van (6.7 g), Gudzon (7.2 g), Lyaskovska Khrushchalka (7.2 g) and Polyanka (9.0 g). The results of the technical analysis of the fruits of the sweet cherry prototypes showed that the Merton Bigarro, Van, Lyaskovska Hrushalka and Polyanka varieties belong to the highest commercial grade. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comprehensive quality assessment of 12 varieties of sweet cherries introduced in the conditions of foothill Dagestan was carried out and the most promising varieties were identified (Polyanka, Gudzon, Merton Bigarro, Van and Sofiyska Khrushchalka), which are distinguished by the best quality indicators that can be recommended for successful optimization of the industrial variety, as well as used as donors and gene sources in selection work in order to improve the biochemical composition, commodity-consumer and tasting characteristics of fruits.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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