Two-cut use of perennial fodder agrocenoses in the conditions of the northern regions of Russia


Shamanin A.1,Popova Lyudmila1


1. Federal'nyy issledovatel'skiy centr kompleksnogo izucheniya Arktiki imeni akademika N. P. Laverova Ural'skogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study cereal-legume agrocenoses with long-term two-cutting use in the conditions of the northern territories of the Arkhangelsk region. Methods. The studies were carried out according to generally accepted methods in the period from 2019 to 2022. in a field experiment on soddy-podzolic sandy loamy soil. The object of research is perennial agrocenoses of perennial grasses. Results. The prospects for the use of cane fescue in a two-component grass mixture in the conditions of the northern region of Russia have been established. Agrophytocenoses, created in a mixture of this crop with red clover, allow for three years of two-cutting use to consistently obtain from 10.19 to 11.71 t/ha of dry matter with a content of exchange energy and crude protein of 90.53 - 129.01 GJ and 1 ,13 - 1.51 tons. There is a negative trend - an annual decrease in the participation of red clover in the phytocenosis. So, if in the first year of life in the structure of the crop of green mass contained up to 73% of red clover, then by the third year of the two-cutting use of the herbage, this value decreased to an average of 17%. Blue alfalfa in herbage with cereal grasses in the first year of life proved to be a promising crop with good plant development and content in the crop structure from 59% to 67%, but after the first overwintering, its content in the phytocenosis biomass decreased to 6–8%, and in in subsequent years, it completely fell out of the herbage. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the natural and climatic conditions of the north of the Arkhangelsk region, grass stands created from reed fescue mixed with red clover of local selection were studied. The features of growth and development of fodder crops in such agrocenoses for 3 years of two-cutting use were revealed, the productivity and nutritional value of the green mass was assessed.


Urals State Agrarian University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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