1. China Caixin Services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) [e-resource]. URL: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/chinese-caixin-services-pmi-596 (appeal date: 04.04.2020)., China Caixin Services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) [e-resource]. URL: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/chinese-caixin-services-pmi-596 (appeal date: 04.04.2020).
2. Leading indicators and tendency surveys. Release of OECD [e-resource]. URL: http://www.oecd.org/sdd/leading-indicators (appeal date: 04.04.2020)., Leading indicators and tendency surveys. Release of OECD [e-resource]. URL: http://www.oecd.org/sdd/leading-indicators (appeal date: 04.04.2020).
3. Sel’skiy turizm kak sredstvo razvitiya sel’skikh territoriy: metodicheskoe posobie [Rural tourism as a means of rural development: methodological manual] / I. V. Lebedeva, S. L. Kopylova. Мoscow : ARSI, 2018. 164 p. (In Russian.), Sel’skiy turizm kak sredstvo razvitiya sel’skikh territoriy: metodicheskoe posobie [Rural tourism as a means of rural development: methodological manual] / I. V. Lebedeva, S. L. Kopylova. Moscow : ARSI, 2018. 164 p. (In Russian.)
4. Putin V. V. Obrashchenie k grazhdanam Rossii [An appeal to the citizens of Russia] [e-resource] // Official site of the President of Russia. URL: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/63061 (appeal date: 04.04.2020). (In Russian.), Putin V. V. Obrashchenie k grazhdanam Rossii [An appeal to the citizens of Russia] [e-resource] // Official site of the President of Russia. URL: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/63061 (appeal date: 04.04.2020). (In Russian.)
5. Poruchenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 18 marta 2020 goda [The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18 March 2020] [e-resource] // Official site of the Government of Russia. URL: http://government.ru/orders/selection/401/39204 (appeal date: 04.04.2020). (In Russian.), Poruchenie Pravitel’stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 18 marta 2020 goda [The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18 March 2020] [e-resource] // Official site of the Government of Russia. URL: http://government.ru/orders/selection/401/39204 (appeal date: 04.04.2020). (In Russian.)