Legal Regulation of State Financial Support for Agricultural Producers on the Grain Market of the Russian Federation


Berdnikova Anna Aleksandrovna


Author studies the measures and programs of state financial support provided to agricultural producers, as small and medium-sized businesses, in the grain market of the Russian Federation, and make proposals for its optimization. During the study were used methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and formal legal thinking. As result of the research author concludes that financing of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia is still developing with significant state support. Agriculture, due to its characteristics, is subject to increased state regulation. As a result of the study, it is noted that today there are indeed many stimulating and compensatory measures of state financial support. However, there are a few problems in the implementation of this mechanism. As a result of the study, measures are proposed to improve the mechanism of financial support and increase the availability of financing for agricultural producers, in particular regions and remote areas. The theoretical and / or practical significance is determined in the generalization, conclusions and proposals that can be used for subsequent work in the direction in order to improve this institution, as well as in rulemaking by the legislative bodies of the government of the Russian Federation. The novelty of the work lies in the proposal to conduct a diagnostic study of the state of financing of agriculture, in particular grain markets, with a view to the possible implementation of some successfully implemented financing programs. As conclusion, author presented proposals for improving state support measures to increase the availability of financing for agricultural producers, in particular the regions and remote areas of the country.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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