Strawberry: evolution of the domestic assortment and direction of selection


Marchenko Lyudmila


Abstract. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the varieties of strawberry included in the State register of breeding achievements, approved for use in the Russian Federation in 2020 to identify promising areas of crop selection. Methods. The analytical method was used to evaluate varieties by the terms of their inclusion in the state register, maturation period, signs of adaptation and productivity. Results. Analysis of the assortment allows us to conclude that out of 88 short-day varieties, the greater variety is represented in the Central (33 varieties), North Caucasus (28 varieties), Volga-Vyatka (25 varieties), and West Siberian (25 varieties) regions. The main part of varieties is accounted for by domestic selection. The basis of the industrial assortment is still short-day varieties (the usual type of fruiting). Most of the varieties (56 pcs.) belong to the average maturation period. Early maturation period is characterized by 19 varieties, late – 13 varieties. For most areas of domestic berry growing, winter hardiness remains the limiting factor for growing strawberry crops. Only 9.1 % of varieties have the highest resistance to winter damage factors (they are zoned in more than five regions). In the southern regions, drought tolerance and heat tolerance are important signs of adaptability of varieties. The ability of strawberry varieties to resist the most common diseases that cause economic damage to the crop is still an important component in the development of varieties and the main way to obtain high-quality products. The analysis revealed that the task of creating varieties of early and late maturation periods is still relevant. At the present stage, solving the problem of improving the quality characteristics of strawberries in accordance with market requirements is a priority for the formation of a competitive assortment. Scientific novelty. Based on a comparative analysis of strawberry varieties included in the state register, as well as the achievements of crop selection at the present stage in Russia and abroad, the directions for possible improvement of the domestic assortment are identified.


Urals State Agrarian University

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