Evaluation of garden strawberry seedling for productivity and its components


Salimova R. R.1


1. Orenburg branch of the Federal Horticultural Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery


Fragaria × ananassa Duch refers to common and popular berry crops. Its productivity is used to characterize the cultivation of a variety in a particular region and the acceptability for industrial cultivation. The experiment was conducted to evaluate promising garden strawberry seedlings by productivity and its components, as well as to select the best seedlings for breeding. The experiment was carried out in 2022-2023 at the Orenburg breeding site of the FSBSO ARHCBAN. The research invloved six promising seedlings from three crossing combinations: ‘Darenka’ × ‘Bereginya’ + ‘Lord’ (pollen mixture), ‘Vima Xsima’ × ‘Studencheskaya’, ‘Lord’ × ‘Tsaritsa’ + ‘Kent’ (pollen mixture). The released variety ‘Senga Sengana’ was chosen as a control. Strawberry productivity potential is determined by main morphostructural components: number of pedicels, number of fruits per bush and their average weight. The number of pedicels per bush of the studied seedlings varied on average from 5.2 (No. 7-3-42) and from 4.3 (No. 6-2-34) to 8.0 pcs in the figure. (No. 6-2-36). The highest number of fruits per bush 39.0 pcs. was observed in seedlings No. 6-2-36, No. 6-2-30 and 37.0 pcs. in No. 6-1-7, while the least number of formed berries was detected in control variety Senga Sengana. Seedlings No. 6-2-36, No. 6-2-33, an d No. 7-3-42 obtained large berries during the research period, their average weight amounted to 9.1-9.2 g. The productivity of seedlings ranged from 196.1 to 358.8 g/bush. The promising seedling No. 6-2-36 was distinguished by productivity, number of pedicels and fruits, as well as average berry weight.


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery

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