Effect of new organic-mineral complex “Gumiton” on the productivity and quality of crops on different soil types


Ratnikov Aleksandr,Sviridenko Dmitriy,Arysheva Svetlana,Semeshkina Polina


Annotation. Purpose of research. Assessment of the effect of a new organic-mineral complex based on “Gumiton” peat on the yield and quality of spring and winter crops on various types of soil in the Kaluga and Rostov regions of the Russian Federation. On the basis of field experiments in farms of various forms of ownership in different soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation, the influence of “Gumiton” on the productivity and quality of grain crops was evaluated. Method of research. Laying and conducting field experiments were carried out according to Dospekhov B. A., agrochemical indicators of soils were determined by the method of Moscow State University, after harvesting, grain quality indicators were determined (the content of raw protein, fat, ash, dry matter) according to GOST R 50817-95, statistical processing of research results was performed using the Microsoft Excel 2007 program with a 95 % level of significance of the results. Results. It was shown that the sheet processing “Gumiton” of barley plants in the phase of stooling on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil in a field experiment on the basis of Kaluga Research Institute of Agriculture has increased the crop yield by 21 % and increased protein content in grain by 2 % compared to the control. Treatment of barley plants with “Gumiton” in the stages of entering the tube and earing in experiments on gray forest medium-loamy soil on the basis of Kaluga research Institute increased the yield by 11–17 % and the protein content in the grain to 2.2 %. In production tests of “Gumiton” on sod-podzolic light-loamy soil in the Fetisov Brothers farm in the Duminichsky district of the Kaluga region, processing of oat crops during the tillering phase with “Gumiton” increased the grain yield by 18%. Processing of winter wheat crops of various varieties with the drug in the phase of release into the tube in the farm “Ageeva A. V.” of Babyninsky district and in the farm “Fetisov Brothers” of Duminichsky district of the Kaluga region increased the crop yield by 18–21 %. The treatment of crops of winter wheat of different varieties with “Gumiton” in the earing phase in dark chestnut medium loam soil in farm “Rostok” of the Oryol district of Rostov region increased crop yield by 11–15 % depending on the predecessor. Scientific novelty. For the first time on the basis of analysis of data of field experiments in different soil and climatic conditions of Russia the high efficiency of the organo-mineral complex “Gumiton” as the effect on productivity of crops and enhancing the quality of products in agricultural lands in different soil types.


Urals State Agrarian University

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