Effectiveness of new agromeliorations under barley cultivation in radionuclide soil contamination


Sviridenko D. G1,Arysheva S. P1,Petrov K. V1,Ivankin N. G1,Balanova O. Yu1,Suslov A. A1


1. National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology


Based on the results of three-year production tests, the effectiveness of new agromeliorants (PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer and Gumiton organo-mineral complex) was evaluated when growing barley on radioactively contaminated sandy loam soddy-podzolic soils of Novozybkovsky district of Bryansk region. It is shown that non-root treatment of barley crops in the earing phase with Gumiton (1 l/ha) without the use of fertilizer contributed to an increase in grain yield by 17-29% relative to the control, depending on the year. The introduction of PhosAgro NPK fertilizer (0.3 t/ha) gave an increase in yield of 22-39%. The combined use of fertilizer and the drug increased the yield by 18-72%. The multiplicity of the decrease in the intake of 137Cs in grain during the treatment of crops with Gumiton was up to 2.3 times, with the combined use of the drug and fertilizer - up to 4.7 times compared with the control. The use of Gumiton and PhosAgro NPK guaranteed the production of grain with a content of 137Cs corresponding to the standards of Sanitary Rules and Regulations 2.3.2. 2650-10. The conditional net income per 1 ruble of costs for processing barley crops with Gumiton amounted to 3.75-17.6 rubles, depending on the year. Both the introduction of PhosAgro NPK and the treatment of barley crops with Gumiton did not significantly affect the grain quality indicators: the content of protein, ash, fat, fiber. Thus, it is shown that the organo-mineral complex Gumiton and complex fertilizer PhosAgro NPK are effective agromeliorants in barley cultivation technologies in conditions of radioactive contamination of soils.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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