Study of the influence of humic substances on the reproduction and morphometric parameters of irises


Beksheneva Liliya1,Reut Antonina2


1. Yuzhno-Ural'skiy botanicheskiy sad-institut – obosoblennoe strukturnoe podrazdelenie Ufimskogo federal'nogo issledovatel'skogo centra Rossiyskoy akademii nauk

2. South Ural Botanical Garden Institute - a separate structural unit of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Abstract. Improving agricultural technology and supporting plant reproduction in the collections of botanical gardens remain relevant. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of using the preparation “Lignohumate AM” in floriculture and reproduction using the example of representatives of the generic complex Iris L. The objects of study are species and varieties of the genus Iris (I. sibirica L., I. pseudacorus L., I. hybrida hort. ‘Edith Wolford’, ‘Banbury Ruffles’, ‘Before The Storm’). Methods. Treatment of plants was carried out at different phases of plant development, spraying leaves, watering experimental samples, and also combining both options − foliar feeding with root feeding. Plants treated with water served as control. Scientific novelty. For the first time, we studied the effect of humic substances on representatives of the genus Iris L. Results. A significant increase in the length (‘Before The Storm’ – by 7,8 %) and width of vegetative shoots (‘Banbury Ruffles’, ‘Before The Storm’ – by 5,6 and 3,7 %, respectively) was revealed. Treatment of plants with “Lignohumate AM” had a positive effect on the water regime of irises. Water deficit decreased by 2,8–5,3 % as a result of root treatment, water-holding capacity increased by 5,7 % during irrigation and mixed treatment. The preparation “Lignohumate AM” had no effect on the germination of seeds of I. sibirica and I. pseudacorus, but was highly effective in a long-term experiment. “Lignohumate AM” contributed to a reduction in the loss of one-year-old I. sibirica plants by 20,8 %, as well as the growth of surviving I. pseudacorus plants by 39,7 %. The stimulator also showed a significant prolonged growth-stimulating effect, which contributed to improving the quality of seedlings. The length of leaves under the influence of the preparation increased by 64% for I. sibirica and 17 % for I. pseudacorus, the width of leaves of I. sibirica increased by 14 %. Based on the results of the study, the growth stimulator “Lignohumate AM” can be considered an effective promising drug for use in floriculture and the reproduction of ornamental and rare species of iris.


Urals State Agrarian University

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