Analysis of the effectiveness of using a bioactive coating to ensure the quality and biosafety of poultry meat during storage


Zinina Oksana1,Merenkova Svetlana1,Vishnyakova Elena1,Neverova Ol'ga2


1. South Ural State University

2. Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Abstract. Poultry meat is the most common type of raw meat, in demand among consumers, but at the same time a perishable product. The quality and safety of poultry meat during storage can be ensured by using bioactive film coatings. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the receipt of new scientific data on the effect of a bioactive alginate coating with protein hydrolysate on the performance of broiler chicken breast fillet during storage. The purpose of the research is to establish the effectiveness of a bioactive coating based on sodium alginate with protein hydrolysate as an active component during the storage of poultry meat. Research methods. For samples of broiler chicken breast fillet coated with bioactive alginate films and for a control sample without coating, color characteristics, pH, mass fraction of moisture and weight loss during storage, as well as microbiological indicators (total microbial count, and coliforms) were determined. The studies were carried out using standard generally accepted methods. Results. It has been established that coated meat better retains its appearance and color, the moisture content remains at a fairly high level compared to the initial value, and shrinkage is reduced. It was also found that the alginate coating provides microbiological stability of breast fillet for a longer time compared to the control sample: after 7 days of storage, the total microbial number in the control sample was 1.4 106 CFU/g, which is higher than the permissible level according to the requirements of EAEU TR 051/ 2021, while in alginate coating samples this indicator remained within acceptable values. Thus, film coatings based on sodium alginate with the addition of protein hydrolysate as an active component have the potential to ensure the safety and biosafety of poultry meat during storage.


Urals State Agrarian University

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