Phosphorus fertilization or pruning as sole practice has been established to enhance tomato yield. However, there is a dearth of knowledge when both practices are combined. Under potted experiment, two tomato varieties (Tomato 82-B and Local) were subjected to 13 treatment combinations of phosphorus fertilization and pruning between June and September, 2021 in a garden situated at Ilorin, Nigeria. In both varieties, plants receiving 30 kg P/ha + two-stem pruning recorded highest growth indices. Marketable fruit yield was remarkably enhanced under 45 kg P/ha + four-stem pruning and 30 kg P/ha + two-stem pruning in local and Tomato 82-B respectively. Local variety showed more vigorous growth and yield than Tomato 82-B. Proximate compositions showed inconsistent results. Ascorbic acid, beta-carotene and lycopene were highest in tomato plants receiving 60 kg P/ha + four-stem pruning, 15 kg P/ha + three-stem pruning and 45 kg P/ha + four-stem respectively. Tomato 82-B had higher ascorbic acid and beta-carotene than the local variety. Conclusively, four-stem pruning + 45 kg/ha and two-stem pruning + 30 kg/ha are considered optimum for improving the yield of tomato varieties studied and that combination of pruning and phosphorus fertilization showed little influence on the fruit quality.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
Agronomy and Crop Science