
Vas’Kov Anatoliy S.1,Mironenko Aleksandr A.2


1. Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University

2. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The methods of using the main navigation parameters (bearing and distance) to ensure the control of the vessel movement on the planned track are considered. As the mathematical framework, classical navigation methods (determining the position of the vessel, the theory of isolines and position lines) are applied to implement the effective decisions of the corresponding parameters or their combination choice, depending on the current navigation situation. As a result, the most relevant options for choosing the leading, clearing and wheel over lines of position by bearings and distances for the planned route based on the navigation situation are identified and recommended. The expressions for accuracy estimation when using above mentioned navigation parameters and methods are proposed. The expediency of parallel indexing with errors estimation as a combination of bearing and distance as a universal variant of vessel movement control is substantiated. A new variant of the use of parallel indexing with a baseline by two landmarks as a transit line which allows to navigate the vessel in case of compass malfunctions is demonstrated. A graphical interpretation and a comparative analysis of the methods errors variation depending on the distance to the reference points are given. The recommendations and features of the practical application of methods for the vessel movement control on the planned route based on the situation of the navigation area are given. The formalization of these methods will allow the navigator, the automatic navigation complex or the control system of an autonomous ship to solve the problems of processing the corresponding navigation information at a qualitatively new level.


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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1. Planning and control of the ship curvilinear route;Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S. O. Makarova;2023-07-30







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