Planning and control of the ship curvilinear route


Vas’kov A. S.1,Mironenko A. A.2


1. Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University

2. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The possibility of applying the traditional navigation parameters used in pilotage (bearing and distance), as well as their sum and difference for planning and controlling the ship curvilinear route in coastal waters is being investigated. Mathematical apparatus is based on the classical navigation methods such as the theory of isolines, the lines of position, the principles of route planning, as well as the approximation of the curvilinear route. The mathematical justification of the circle arcs, ellipse and hyperbola used as the approximation lines of both the ship curvilinear route and the control isolines is given. The methods for estimating the vessel approaching to the point of the beginning and end of the turn and for controlling the ship movement along the planned path by measuring the navigational parameters are proposed. The problems of the physical and mathematical feasibility of the route arising at the junction points of the straight and curvilinear parts of the ship route are recommended to be resolved on the principles of transition curves (clothoids), considering the maneuvering characteristics of the vessel. The main theses of the research are supported by the graphical interpretation while the given expressions are ready for practical application. The formalization of the proposed methods in both automatic navigation systems and autonomous ship control systems will allow the navigator on the bases of the configuration of the relative position of landmarks and the ship curvilinear route to solve the problems of processing relevant navigation information in coastal and congested waters more efficiently in conjunction with the traditional pilotage methods, which is especially important for advanced autonomous navigation. 


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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