The Elementary School Students' Skills in Playing The Gamelan Instruments


Jamari Viktors,Anitra Rien,Yanti Lili


The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the skills in playing the gamelan musical instrument of elementary school students at Sibale Subsidized Elementary School and to identify common patterns emerging in their skills. This research employs a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was conducted through observation and documentation techniques. A total of 9 students were observed during gamelan musical instrument skill tests conducted during extracurricular hours. The data was then analyzed descriptively using statistical methods to provide a general overview of their gamelan musical instrument playing skills. The results indicate that the majority of students fall into the skilled category, with only one student classified as highly skilled. However, there are deficiencies in students' ability to manipulate the gamelan musical instrument without guidance from the instructor, especially in the criteria of construction.


Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia)

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