Fruit production has great importance for the Serbian economy, especially the production of berries, where the production of raspberries can be highlighted. Investments in raising raspberry plantations are relatively high, but the invested funds return quickly, given that raspberry fruits have a high market value in both domestic and foreign markets, so the economic risk that accompanies production is much lower than for large fruits. Due to the high value of production on a small area and due to the high position that raspberries have in the total market value, the interest of producers to raise larger areas under raspberry plantations is increasingly pronounced, and therefore its production is constantly increasing. Accordingly, the paper presents the volume of raspberry production in our country for the last ten years (period 2011-2020), trade and foreign trade with other countries, sales and purchase, as well as problems in the market of raspberry purchase in our country.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
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