Production and foreign trade exchange of raspberries: Case study of Serbia


Kljajić NatašaORCID,Vuković PredragORCID,Arsić SlavicaORCID


In paper are presented the derived research results on raspberries production in the Republic of Serbia, at total and by regions. Research results are clearly showing that raspberries are dominantly grown in Šumadija region and Western Serbia (around 84.8% of raspberries from Serbia are produced there). Mentioned region offers optimal conditions for raspberries production, in terms of microclimate characteristics, soil potential and available water resources. In recent years, raspberries production has been intensively expanding to those areas where it has not traditionally been cultivated until now. This refers primarily to the Region of Vojvodina, while existing and new plantations are also being expanded in the region of Southern and Eastern Serbia. Serbia is ranked among the largest producers and exporters of raspberries worldwide. The largest part of raspberry production in Serbia is exported as frozen to the global market, but mostly to the market of Western Europe. Almost negligible part of produced raspberries is exported as fresh. Purchase price of raspberry has been increasing in previous period, giving the additional motivation to producers to intensify production, or invest in it.


Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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