How to become a constructivist teacher: The impact of philosophical thoughts on constructivist learning beliefs


Bardakci Salih,Cayci Karakose,Colkesen Alkis,Fatih AlkanORCID


This study aimed at investigating the causal relationships among teachers' constructivist learning beliefs, philosophical beliefs regarding the learning process, epistemological beliefs regarding the nature of knowledge and learning, vocational development opportunities, and the importance attached to these opportunities. In this direction, the causal relationships among these variables were tested through structural equation modelling using the data obtained from teachers working at basic education schools in Turkey. Constructivist Learning Beliefs Scale, Educational Beliefs Scale, Professional Development Scale, and Epistemological Beliefs Scale were used as the data collection tools. The results showed that philosophical beliefs, epistemological beliefs, and thoughts on vocational development opportunities significantly predicted teachers' constructivist learning beliefs.


Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)

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