The formation of macroregions as an instrument for reducing intraterritorial disparities: experience of the Ural Federal District


Suvorova Arina Valeryevna


Economic zoning is an important instrument of regional policy; however, its impact upon solution of the territorial issues of macroregions that are built on other (noneconomic) grounds remains quite ambiguous. This research is dedicated to verification of the hypothesis on possibility of reducing the discrepancy between the parameters of territorial development as a result of their unification into a macroregion, which is formed primarily on the administrative principles. Research methodology leans on assessment of the parameter variations of interterritorial disparities in retrospect; methodological toolset includes the calculation of coefficients that characterize the degree of heterogeneity of cumulative data (coefficients of variation, asymmetry, and excess). The article uses the example of the Ural Federal District. The conducted analysis reveals that the scale of intraterritorial disparities typical for the district at the stage of its formation has not decreased over time; moreover, the difference between the parameters of the development of individual regions has increased. It is proven that the unification of territorial systems solely through administrative transformations does not mitigate the problems of excessive asymmetry of their development; and connectedness of the regions that proceeds from such transformations is often nominal. The acquired conclusions offer a critical insight into the instruments for managing socioeconomic processes in the territories of different levels, and can be taken into account in implementation of the regional policy.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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