Tobolsk Men's Gymnasium and the revolutionary unrest of 1905-1907.


Fedotova Dar'ya Yur'evna,Sulimov Vadim Sergeevich


The article is devoted to the study of the activities of students of the oldest educational institution in Western Siberia — the Tobolsk Men's Gymnasium during the revolutionary upheavals of 1905-1907. The subject of the study is the activity of students of the Tobolsk men's gymnasium in 1905-1907. The object of the study is the Tobolsk men's gymnasium. The work is based on the principles of historicism, integrity, objectivity, comprehensiveness. Both general scientific and traditional methods for historical research are used: systematic, historical-comparative, problem-historical.Attention is paid to the analysis of the features of the educational process, reflected in the protocols of pedagogical councils and reports of the director of the gymnasium P. I. Panov. It is noted that despite the control over the behavior of gymnasium students by the director, teachers, classroom teachers and parents, students were gradually drawn into political processes covering the whole country.The authors consider the main requirements put forward by the pupils of the men's gymnasium in the fall of 1905, which were presented to the management of the educational institution in the form of a petition containing 29 points. It should be taken into account that the petition was sent from European Russia to unite the demands of secondary school students to change the educational process. The paper concludes that high school students opposed prohibitions and restrictions, did not have a clear political program and a single plan. Their actions were spontaneous and chaotic. In this article, the authors use a representative source base of unpublished materials from the collections of the State Archives of Tobolsk and Tomsk relating to the history of the Tobolsk Men's Gymnasium.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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