Professional orientation of young people as a factor of effective development of the labor market


Popandopulo Olga


Professional orientation of young people, carried out by specialists of the state employment service, is one of the main tools for regulating the employment market. In domestic and foreign practice, there are many works devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the formation of the professional identity of young people and the impact of professional orientation on the labor market and society as a whole. However, one can observe the problem of the lack of a comprehensive socio-philosophical analysis of the effectiveness of youth vocational guidance technologies within the framework of the state employment service. In this regard, the subject of the study is the role of professional orientation of young people in the process of forming the employment market. Based on the results of the socio-philosophical analysis of the studied social phenomenon, the existing organizational and managerial problems in the process of providing public services for professional orientation were identified. Therefore, within the framework of the study, the factors contributing to the improvement of the managerial activities of specialists in the field of youth employment promotion were analyzed and identified. Thus, the results obtained can be applied by specialized specialists of state and municipal administration in order to increase the effectiveness of professional orientation of young citizens. The implementation of the results of the research into practical activities can contribute to a more rational distribution of labor resources and solve the problem of youth employment.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Materials Science

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