1. 1. G. Asbell, “Basic principles of preservation of forage, by-products and residues as silage or hay”, a summary of a course given at EMBRAPA, 1994, São Carlos.
2. 2. P. McDonald, N. Henderson, and S. Neron, “The Biochemistry of Silage”, 2nd ed., 1991, Chalcombe Publications, 339.
3. 3. J. Atkins and L. Jones, “Carbon-Based Materials. In Chemistry: Molecules, matter and change”, 3rd ed., 1995, W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 389.
4. Determination of Total Available Carbohydrates in Forage Legume Roots by Extraction with Takadiastase, Amyloglucosidase, or Sulfuric Acid
5. Determination of total nonstructural carbohydrates in forage tissue by p-hydroxybenzoic acid hydrazide flow injection analysis