1. PAHO. COVID-19 has infected some 570,000 health workers and killed 2500 in the Americas, PAHO Director says; 2020. Available from: https://www.paho.org/en/news/2-9-2020-covid-19-has-infected-some-570000-health-workers-and-killed-2500-americas-paho. Accessed December 22, 2020.
2. ICN, confirms 1500 nurses have died from COVID 19 in 44 countries and estimates that healthcare worker COVID 19 fatalities worldwide could be more than 20,000; 2020. Available from: https://www.icn.ch/news/icn-confirms-1500-nurses-have-died-covid-19-44-countries-and-estimates-healthcare-worker-covid. Accessed December 22, 2020.
3. Evaluation of Knowledge and Preparedness Among Indian Dentists During the Current COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
4. Saving the frontline health workforce amidst the COVID-19 crisis: Challenges and recommendations
5. World Health Organization. Special programme for research, training in tropical diseases. Epidemic, Pandemic Alert. Dengue: Guidelines for Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control. World Health Organization; 2009:1–147